Archive for September, 2008

Footballs 9/11

September 30, 2008

Having just been shown footage from the attacks of September 11th during a lecture being given here in London, the metaphorical similarities between the events of that day and the future of the sport we love are strikingly similar.

Picture this; the oil giants who have taken over Manchester City are currently hurtling that club towards disaster at a great speed. The situation resonates with the other clubs who have been taken over ( Liverpool, Chelsea, Manchester United ) and those on the verge of ( Newcastle). This cannot be denied.

We speak of a love for tradition, grassroots and community, but how can these things prevail when we have footballs business terrorists hijacking your club in order to make money or use as merely a pump to further inflate their egos!? I don’t care if Chelsea win the Champions League this year, it is not real. That club has become a Russian’s play thing. We should get all the Chelsea fans out in those furry Russian hats making “baa” noises like Syberian sheep.

I used to be a Man U fan and I hope they lose tonite against Aalborg. It was American dollars that paid for Berbatov. Let’s all follow Hull’s example at the weekend, that is what football is all about. If foreign investors continue to buy up English clubs then we are on a slippery slope to a souless dead snake of a sport.

It hasn’t happened yet but it can and it will and it is quite serious my friends. The Premier League could become a Ground Zero of destruction where one’s previous loyalties and passions lie smouldering as a past memory when your club used to stand for something.

The Fall of Rome

September 30, 2008

Goooooal! Back of the net! Striker! So Hull did over Arsenal at the weekend and let us all hope that this win was more than just a symbolic blip victory for another small club against a giant. Now I would have classed myself previously as a fan of Manchester United but as one matures, grows up and becomes an adult,one realises that there is more to being a football supporter than merely lending your allegiance to a club. Yes, you might say, that this is the very back bone of the sport we love but as an intelligent human being you cannot deny that the current footballing climate is becoming something not too dissimilar to the lead up to Hurricane Katrina. It has gone too far.I am talking about oil giants from the Middle East buying up random mid table clubs, our favourite Russian so and so, bald corporate americans showing up on Salford and Merseyside. What is next?! Kim Jong-il and the Nation of Korea have taken over QPR and turning Loftus Road into a fish farm?

Hello world!

September 30, 2008

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!